Rewarding Professionals in Our Community with Valuable Perks!
Helping Pros keep between $5,500 - $11,500 in their pocket when buying or selling any home!

We are proud to collaborate with industry-leading organizations that share our commitment to supporting professionals in our community.
EXP Realty and Colorado 1000, play a vital role in helping us provide exceptional perks and benefits to deserving professionals like you.
Discover the Professionals We Reward
- People that work in any Education based fields
- People who work in any type of Medical Field
- People who are independent contractors, 1099 workers or small business owners
- People who work in any military type fields (active or veterans)

Keep between $5,500 to $11,500 in Your Pocket!
We are proud to collaborate with industry-leading organizations that share our commitment to supporting professionals in our community.
With our program, you can keep between $5,500 to $11,500 in your pocket when buying or selling, allowing you to enjoy significant savings and financial benefits.

Using neighborhood smarts, experience, and ingenuity, our agents will work with you to find a place you’ll love. And, best of all, from the minute you call until the moment your new home is under contract, we’re right beside you every step of the way.

We know what makes your home sell—fast. With unmatched negotiation strategies combined with our state-of-the-art photography and videography services, we know just what to do to sell your home effectively and efficiently.

We apply years of values-driven management, development, and investment knowledge with one goal in mind: to cultivate superior performance and create exponential real estate value for our investors.

New construction homes offer a fresh start, modern amenities, and the chance to customize a space to fit your preferences. When considering purchasing a new construction home, look no further than Perks for Pros.
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Here’s What Our Clients Say About Us

We understand that finances + the cost of living in CO are on the rise. We created Perks for Pros to help alleviate the financial and mental stresses that come with purchasing and/or selling any home. There is a combo of 4 or more (savings + value added benefits) that get passed along to you when you qualify and work with Perks for Pros. The additional and most valuable benefit to you though is working along side our entire team of highly decorated and recommended professionals – all of which have been recognized as within the top 40 under 40 in their respected jobs in the entire State of Colorado!
If you currently work in ANY type of job within these 4 professional fields;
- Education
- Medical
- Independent Contractors/1099/Small Business Owners
- Active Military or Veteran- you have already made major strides towards qualifying for Perks for Pros.
On average our Pros receive around $5,500 (combo of savings + value added items) when they buy or sell a home with Perks for Pros.
BONUS: When someone sells and then also buys a home through us, they can expect to receive as low as $5,500 and as high as $11,500 worth of (combo of savings + value added items)!
There is absolutely no catch, no repayment, no hidden fees, no higher Interest rates or added costs, nada.
The most we will ever ask of you is to tell everyone you know about us & submit a quick review of us based on your experience! We also will tailor the amount of the savings and value added items you receive – fully customized off your specific needs.
We saw a real need in the real estate industry to change it up from the many incentive programs that are out there. Many times these programs look & sound great, but end up benefiting the companies or their affiliates more than their actual customers…
Instead we decided to give the best outcome possible to you, this means more savings, no gimmicks or hidden agendas to take advantage of people.
Ultimately we provide a ton of savings + additional value added items. All of it combined, directly benefits the people we are helping, not the other way around!
Perks for Pros is – at its foundation – is built around rewarding those people that have a great impact on our lives and are a cornerstone within our local community.
We are here to listen, collaborate, and truly help these pros save money, as well as provide added benefits – together this eases the many stresses that typically come with buying or selling any home.
If you’re not ready, that’s cool with us too.
Everything we do on our end starts and ends within your desired timeline.
It still benefits you to speak to a us – even if you’re simply just thinking about it. We will at minimum, provide you with insight and steps you can take before you even begin the home buying or selling process. There is also no cost to you, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by chatting with us about Perks for Pros.
From the time you fill out the info form, to qualifying, can be as easy and efficient as within 24 hours or less…
It’s up to you as to how quickly you want to find out how much you qualify for, then you make the best decision for you from there.
As mentioned above this incentive program only works on your preferred speed & timeline!
If that’s the case our team is here to help – so reach out anytime to contact.us@perksforpros.com or at 720-802-5556. One of our team members will connect with you as soon as our schedules allow!

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